Friday, January 26, 2007

The truest meaning

The Truest meaning

"There comes a time in a persons life where they hear something truly amazing and stick with it for the rest of their life. And that has never been so true. This Music has brought us all together; and I couldnt be happier, I honestly couldnt. This has NEVER ever been a "Fan base" this is a friend base, this is all based on friendship. I couldnt be more proud to be apart of this; I couldnt be more proud to have every single one of you as friends. from the very bottom of my heart, I feel this music has inspired us to inspire ourselfs to become better people, we were always good people. You are an amazing group of amazing people. I thank all of you for being apart of this"- Cory Ag

If theyre could be one true meaning what would it be? Could there ever be just ONE true meaning of EVERYTHING?